An Anchor For Our Soul
Hebrews 6: 18 so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. 19 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,
The world has been facing a crisis over the past few months and at this moment, there does not seem that an end is in sight. Any crisis can generate many emotions within you and also, lead you to act in ways that are out of character. You may or can feel anxieties in ways you’ve never felt before and even express anxieties in ways you never expected. You could literally be a different person in the eyes of others or even, in our own eyes.
Looking at this from another angle however, is where I am led to direct this devotional. No matter who you are, many comforts or things that you relied upon or took for granted have been taken away. Jobs are gone, access to items in the supermarket are bought up (gone), no sports, no movies, no restaurants, no malls and small businesses, no social gatherings, no church services in any building. I can go on and on. While “freedom” is not taken away, many are not free to “live” the way they have been enjoying prior to the crisis.
Let me make a statement, “all the examples above and many others will be taken away when all of mankind find themselves before Jesus Christ.” Think about that for a moment before you continue to read onward.
Do you find yourself in fear concerning what is lost or unavailable at this time? It can be very fearful to be told you cannot work because the establishment you were employed had been ordered to close until further notice. Many also find a “glimmer” of hope and security in present news headlines detailing how President Trump is going to defy medical warnings and allow people to return to work.
Is a job, or a store, or the freedom to go into a restaurant with no fear of the person sneezing next to you, how you find your hope for the future?
Is your perspective all about “now,” and right now, you fear looking forward into the future?
Yes, you need a job so that food can be put on the table and the bills can get paid. However, is the HOPE you find in life totally reliant on that job or in anything else that has temporarily been taken away from you?
How about finding your HOPE in someone who is eternal, who is not temporary. Someone who will never be taken away from you. Someone who will always love you even when you feel that you cannot be loved. Someone who will comfort you even when you find yourself in a position where comfort seems impossible to experience. Someone who will provide for you, the peace that surpasses all understanding. Someone who is, the Hope you desire!
It is easy for any person to find hope, security, peace and comfort in that which can be seen and in what can be touched. It can be difficult to find hope, security, peace and comfort in that which cannot be seen, nor touched. Let’s look at the following scripture:
1 Corinthians 4: 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
During any crisis, during this present crisis in the world, such a scripture may not be what you may be looking for, for hope, security, peace and comfort. Even the prior scripture of Hebrews chapter 6, is most likely not a scripture one would look for at a time like this. Let me point something out.
All who believe in Jesus Christ HAVE what is unseen, HAVE want is eternal. Understanding this truth, you HAVE a greater hope, greater security, greater peace and comfort that will never be found in the, “now.” Despite the lack of freedom to simply go out into the world and look around, many can be found who have hope, have security, and have peace and comfort.
They have an anchoring within their soul that is their HOPE, in and through Jesus Christ!
In Him, is their refuge. Even when the income has temporarily stopped, even when there is no normalcy of the life you were so secured in living. In Jesus Christ, you can hold fast to the Hope set before you.
This crisis is temporary, the “now” you are living is temporary. The loss of income is temporary and the fact you can’t watch sporting events live on your television, is temporary. To be honest, if you have found your hope in any of the several temporary examples throughout this devotional, this is why you have also found anxiety and uncertainty about your future.
But, for those who have their Hope in Jesus Christ, security, peace and comfort continue presently and into the future no matter how long this crisis continues. Hope, will be for eternity.