What Choice Will You Make Today?
Let today be a day of making the right choices:
The choice to smile or the choice to frown
The choice to love or the choice to hate
The choice to be joyful or the choice to be angry
The choice to be helpful or the choice to turn your back
The choice to let go of pain or the choice to hold on to it
The choice to allow other peoples words and actions to hurt you or the choice to surrender it to God and keep moving forward
The choice to forgive or the choice to be unforgiving
The choice to surrender to God or the choice to give in to the enemy
The choice to make a difference or the choice to be the problem
The choice to stand firm or the choice to give in
The choice to face your fears or the choice to run from them
The choice to believe what God says or the choice to believe what people say
The choice to believe what God calls sin or the choice to believe what the world calls acceptable
The choice to walk in righteousness or the choice to walk in sin
The choice to change who you are or the choice to remain the same
The choice to choose Jesus and be saved or the choice to choose the world and spend eternity without Him.
Let today be the day you choose to make the right choices.