Do You Cut People’s Ear Off With The Sword



Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.  So Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?”

(John 18:10-11)

When reading the gospels, it seems you find out a piece of information from each one about the same topic.

As with the situation above, John is very descriptive in giving both the name of the disciple who cut off the ear of the servant and the servant’s name. He also mentioned how Jesus ordered Peter to put his sword into the sheath as Jesus knew that this exact moment had to happen in order for scripture to be fulfilled. Peter was reacting to what he was seeing on the surface but Jesus was reacting to what He knew in the spirit and that meant complying with the arrest.

Luke, on the other hand, is the only one to mention that Jesus healed the servant’s ear in Luke 22:51:

But Jesus answered and said, “Permit even this.” And He touched his ear and healed him.

In Colossians 4:14, Paul states:

Luke the beloved physician and Demas greet you.

So if Luke, as we know, is a physician, then it’s understandable why he focused on Jesus healing the man’s ear. It was something he knew about…healing.

Sometimes, we can do the same thing as Peter did when we are defending ourselves or others. We can cut off another person’s ears with our words causing major damage to their hearing and making them unable to hear what we are trying to tell them. Peter is known for his temper and though he felt he was defending Christ, in reality his actions, though done for honorable reasons, can portray him and Christ’s disciples and those following Him, as violent, angry people which is opposite of what Christ is trying to get across.

Sometimes when we are trying to convey something to someone or feel accused or attacked, our words can become weapons that can cut off the ear of another person causing them to be deaf to our words. In other words, our irritated angry, defensive words can stop the other person from listening therefore making them unable to hear anything else we say. When it comes to the Word of God, sometimes we can use that as our defense, waving it like a sword and cutting off the ear of another, especially someone we are trying to bring God too. The Word of God is to be used for teaching, edification, gently correcting and so we don’t make the same mistakes as others in the past. If we want people to listen to what we have to say, we must say it with kindness and calmly. If they refuse to listen, you cannot force them to hear but you must go behind them in prayer that God will open their ears or resolve the issue the way God sees fit. Sometimes we are the ones on the receiving end of that sword and we don’t want to listen because of hurt and anger. This means we have to take a step back, calm down and then think about what the other person said, removing all the anger and junk from their words and looking closely at the real information they were trying to get across to you. This may mean you have to pray for God to heal your own hearing and help you to see the message they were trying to get across to you.

When we read Proverbs, there are many verses that speak about how to respond to others and not responding in anger. We have to pray for God to help us see past the surface of our situations and for clarity because anger can and will cloud our vision. The next step is to speak or act out in a manner that isn’t usually ourselves. This can happen when we hold things in instead of talking. Soon our emotions become uncontrollable.

When we are walking two feet in the world, our emotions will control us and we will react according to what we see and hear on the surface. That means we will react according to how we are treated or spoken to and everything will affect us. When we walk one foot in the spirit and one foot in the world, we will be off balance and some days we will be good and some days not. But when we walk with two feet in the spirit, we will have mastered our emotions, be able to see clearly through every situation and not lash out at others. We will have that assurance that God will take care of everything and we need not worry about what we see or hear but know that we must pray. Peter acted according to what he was seeing and hearing. He reacted out of fear and anger and was unable to truly comprehend that Jesus arrest had to happen to fulfill the scriptures. If he and the disciples had truly been listening to what Jesus had been telling them, they would have realized He was fulfilling prophecy and Peter wouldn’t have reacted as he did.

Whatever you are going through, know that God has it under control. Be patient and allow Him to work it out. Maintain peace though others may not feel or even want that peace. Ask God to help you to see past the surface of the situation or person so you can better understand the situation and not allow your emotion to cut off the ear of another from hearing. If you have already spoken some harsh words, then ask God to heal the hearing of the other person so they can hear clearly again and be healed. How can we reattach the ear of another so they can hear us clearly again? Through love, patience, prayer and words that edify them. This may take some time. If someone has harmed you with words, ask God to repair and heal your hearing so you can hear without becoming emotional and hurt.

Lord, keep me calm and patient in my current situation. I know you will work all things out for the good. Draw me close and help me to see past the surface of this person or situation so I will not react according to my own emotions. Take control of my emotions and grant me self- control. I will trust that you will resolve my situation and bring peace to my heart. In Jesus name…Amen.